Grocery Assessment Approach

In a Performance Improvement Assessment of this type we would expect to observe / review your business for a period of 3 to 5 days (depending upon size and complexity of your business). Our approach includes a thorough review of the grocery retailer from the perspective of:

  • Product offering
  • Pricing strategy and execution
  • Place (physical store)
  • Promotional process employed (advertising strategy and selling activities)
  • People
  • Processes employed (operational procedures)
  • Physical experience offered (customer experience in store)
  • Presence (perception of business health)

This review typically would include the following functional areas / activities:

Additionally, we will look for evidence of various standard revenue enhancement programs often found in food retail. Examples include:

Once our on-site interviews and observations are complete, we would need approximately one week to prepare a final report for you.  This report will consist of our perception of what you are doing well (assets), your needs (challenges), a suggested program to address those needs and an improvement strategy / program (if warranted).  A report format typically includes sections such as the following:

  • Executive summary
  • Management’s goals and objectives (our understanding of your intention)
  • Assets observed
  • Challenges and opportunities (in detail)
  • Savings / cost avoidance schedule (the benefit to you of going forward, if quantifiable)
  • A program or strategy to address the issues identified (Approach, Scope, Steps, Timeline, Resources Required)

This report is presented to senior management in person so that we can discuss exactly what was observed and answer questions about the recommendations offered.

Key Deliverables that we anticipate will emanate from this process include the following:

  • A full presentation to management of our findings
  • Details regarding current industry leading operational improvement concepts / ideas for discussion
  • A summary of our interviews with your key management team members concerning their perception of what should happen differently to improve the performance of the company
  • A summary from our interviews with your key management team members concerning their perception of what factors are inhibiting your firm from performing better as an organization
  • Details of our observation of your culture and the role that may be playing in your quest for increased performance
  • Details of our direct store observations and the nature of the interaction your organization has with your customer base
  • Details of additional operational opportunities we may note while in your stores that will assist you to further address operating expense (this will not be a focus for us, but we will note issues we observe while focusing on your revenue enhancement / sales activities)
  • Specific prioritized recommendations for the future and related key steps necessary to improve your operating performance